2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'bethel bible college'|A repost: Colleges that ARE promoting Contemplative/ Emerging/Emergent teachings and DO have a Spiritual Formation program

About 'bethel bible college'|A repost: Colleges that ARE promoting Contemplative/ Emerging/Emergent teachings and DO have a Spiritual Formation program

I               wrote               this               on               Thanksgiving               Day,               2008,               my               40th               consecutive               Thanksgiving               holiday               out               of               prison.

Later               that               day,               I               spoke               to               a               group               of               prison               inmates               at               the               Durham               (NC)               Correctional               Center               and               outlined               for               them               a               workable               plan               they               could               use               to               get               out               of               prison               and               stay               out!

Here               is               what               I               told               them,after               demonstrating               the               power               of               a               bounce-back.

You               can               demonstrate               it               yourself.

Take               a               rubber               ball,               and               let               it               roll               gently               from               you               hand,               and               you               will               see,               of               course,               that               the               ball               will               not               bounce               very               high.

Now,               retrieve               the               ball               and               slam               it               to               the               floor               or               concrete               as               hard               as               you               can,               and               the               trajectory               of               the               bounce               dramatically               increases.

Here's               the               principle:               "               You               must               learn               to               use               the               power               that               slams               you               down               and               transform               it               into               the               power               that               energizes               your               bounce-back.!"
               Today,               Thanksgiving               2008,               more               than               40,000               men               ande               women               languish               in               the               state's               more               than               80               prisons               in               North               Carolina.

In               fact,               across               the               country               today,               more               than               two               million               other               men               and               women               also               languish               in               the               nation's               state               and               federal               prisons.
               One               might               ask,               what               have               these               men               and               women               to               be               thankful               for?

You               could               ask               the               same               question.

I               did               in               1960--my               first               Thanksgiving               day               in               prison.

I               asked               again               in               1961,               1963               and               1965--all               Thanksgiving               Days               that               I               spent               in               North               Carolina               prisons.

But               on               Thanksgiving               Day               1968,my               final               one               in               prison,               I               asked               a               different               question,               a               question               I               recommend               to               you.

"How               can               I               make               certain               that               I               never               spend               another               Thanksgiving               Day,               or               any               other               I               day               in               prison,               once               I               am               released?

Another               way               of               asking               that               question               is:               How               can               I               make               the               challenging               journey               from               conviction               to               contribution?

How               can               I               become               transformed               from               a               social               predator               to               a               community               contributor?

In               other               words,               what               must               I               do               to               bounce               back?
               Today,               my               40th               consecutive               Thanksgiving               Day               in               freedom,               I               want               to               share               with               you               the               principles               of               bouncing               back,               of               how               to               get               out               of               prison,               stay               out               and               succeed               in               life.

First,               some               personal               background.

I               did               crime               and               time               for               abouit               20               years,               from               six-years-old               until               26-years-old.

I               was               released               from               prison               on               Dec.

9,               1968,               and               since               then               I               have               been               a               journalist               and               free-lance               writer,               a               college               professor,               a               television               and               radio               program               producer,               a               radio               station               manager,               and               since               1979               the               owner               of               a               successful               home               based               business.

God               has               done               all               this               by               teaching               me               biblical               principles               of               success.

You               see,               God               promises,               even               guarantees               success               when               we               follow               His               specific               instructions.

You               find               those               instructions               summarized               in               Proverbs,               chapter               three,.

Here               we               find               seven               fundamental               promises,               based               in               spiritual               principles               that               guarantee               success.

Read               them               and               let's               see               what               we               learn:

Do               not               forget               God's               teachings!

Trust               the               Lord,               not               your               own               understanding!

Trust               God's               wisdom               and               shun               evil!

Honor               God               with               your               blessings               and               receive               additional               blessings!

Accept               and               embrace               God's               discipline               because               with               it,               He               demonstrates               His               love               for               you!

Find               wisdom               and               understanding,               the               twin               powers               by               which               God               does               all               that               He               does!

Hold               onto               sound               judgment               and               discernment!
               In               Chapters               27-37               and               39-41               of               Genesis,               we               find               the               story               of               a               young               man--Joseph,               the               second               youngest               son               of               Jacob--               who               followed               these               principles               and               others,               and               thereby,               lived               one               of               history's               greatest               examples               of               bouncing               back,               of               going               from               conviction               to               contribution.
               Joseph               grew               up               in               a               dysfunctional               family.

His               father,               Jacob,               a               known               con               artist,               had               conned               his               brother               out               of               his               birthright,               and,               in               a               conspiracy               with               his               mother,               stole               his               father's               final               blessing               from               Esau,               his               older               brother.

Jacob,               also               known               as,               the               heel               grabber,               married               Leah               because               that               was               the               only               way               he               could               get               to               marry               her               younger               sister.

Rachel               worshipped               idols               and               in               fact               stole               of               her               father's               idolatrous               statues               and               then               lied               about               it.

The               two               sisters,               Leah,               who               couldn't               see               very               well               and               Rachel,               the               pretty               one,               were               fiercely               competitive,               particularly               about               which               sister               could               have               the               most               sons               for               Jacob.

Leah               gave               Jacob               his               first               four               sons--Reuben,               Simeon,               Levi               and               Judah.

With               each               birth,               Leah               hoped               that               this               son               would               cause               Jacob               to               love               her               more               than               he               loved               her               sister.
               Then               one               day               during               the               Fall               harvest,               Reuben               brought               his               mother               Leah               some               wild               vegetables               and               Rachel               wanted               some.

Leah               was               furious.

But               then               Rachel               said               that               Jacob               could               sleep               with               Leah               that               night.

They               struck               the               bargain               and               Leah               met               Jacob               as               he               came               in               from               the               fields               and               said:               "You               must               sleep               with               me.

I               have               hired               you               with               my               son's               mandrakes."               Leah               got               pregnant               and               bore               a               son               that               she               named               Issachar.

Shortly               thereafter,               she               got               pregnant               again,               and               had               a               son               that               she               named               Zebulun.

Then               Leah               said:               "God               has               endowed               me               with               a               good               dowry,               now               will               my               husband               dwell               with               me,               because               I               have               borne               him               six               sons               .


               Rachel,               frustrated               and               angry,               threatened               suicide               if               Jacob               didn't               get               her               pregnant.

Ticked               off,               Jacob               told               his               favorite               wife:               "Don't               blame               me,               God               must               not               want               you               to               have               childen."               Rachel,               said,               okay,               then               marry               and               sleep               with               my               servant               girl,               Bilhah,               get               her               pregnant               and               I'll               take               the               boy."               Rachel               named               Bilhah's               first               son,               Dan.

Now               Rachel               was               pretty,               but               she               was               crazy.

Bilhah               had               another               son               and               Rachel               said:               'I               have               had               a               great               stuggle               with               my               sister               and               I               have               won.

So               she               named               his               Naphtali."               The               name               means               "struggling."               Here               why               I               say               Rachel               was               a               little               off.

How               could               she               consider               herself               the               winner               of               his               struggle               for               sons               with               her               sister,               when               Leah,               herself,               had               borne               Jacob               six               sons,               and               Rachel               had               simply               taken               two               sons               from               a               servant               woman?
               Not               to               be               outdone,               Leah,               who               was               still               jealous               of               her               younger               sister,               probably               because               Jacob               spent               most               of               his               time               with               Rachel,               rather               than               Leah,               told               Jacob,               go               marry               and               sleep               with               my               servant,               too,               and               I               will               take               her               sons               just               like               Rachel               claimed               ownership               of               Bilhah's               two               boys.

So               Jacob               did               and               Zilpah               had               a               boy               that               Leah               took               as               her               own.

Leah               named               him               Gad.

Zilpah               had               a               second               son               that               Leah               named               Asher.
               Finally,               Rachel               got               pregnant               and               gave               birth               to               her               first               son,               Joseph.

Meanwhile,               Jacob               was               working               hard               with               his               father-in-law's               sheep               and               became               richer               and               richer               every               year.

Jacob's               brothers-in-law               became               jealous               and               Jacob               realized               it               was               time               to               leave               his               father-in-law's               house,               after               being               there               about               21               years,               and               return               to               Canaan.
               During               the               journey,               a               young               man               of               Canaan,Shechem,who               was               named               after               the               community               in               which               he,               his               father               and               his               household               lived,               raped               Dinah,               Jacob's               only               daughter               by               Leah,               Jacob's               sons               were               furious,               particularly               Simeon               and               Levi,               but               Shechem               asked               if               he               could               marry               Dinah.

Jacob's               sons,               led               by               Simeon               and               Levi,               plotted               a               vicious               conspiracy               and               ultimately               murdered               the               men               of               that               community,               stole               their               possessions               and               took               the               women               and               children               into               slavery.
               As               Israel               and               his               entourage               continued               toward               Bethel               where               they               planned               to               settle,               Rachel,               who               was               pregnant               again,               gave               birth               to               a               second               son               and               died               in               childbirth.

Jacob               named               this               son               Benjamin.

So               Jacob               had               12               sons               and               a               daughter.

Six               of               his               sons--Reuben,               Simeon,               Levi,               Judah,               Issachar               and               Zebulun               were               born               to               Leah.

Two               of               his               sons--Dan               and               Naphtali--were               born               to               Bilhah,               Rachel's               servant.

Two               other               sons--Gad               and               Asher--were               born               to               Zilpah,               Leah's               servant.

Jacob's               two               youngest               sons--Joseph               and               Benjamin--were               born               to               Rachel.
               This               family's               dysfunctional               drama               continued.
               In               Gen.

35:21,               we               read               the               following:               "Jacob               then               traveled               on               and               camped               beyond               the               tower               of               Eder.

While               he               was               there,               Reuben               slept               with               Bilhah,               his               father's               concubine               and               someone               told               Jacob               about               it."               Thus,               Reuben               disqualified               himself               as               the               firstborn               and               lost               out               on               the               opportunity               to               inherit               75               percent               of               his               father's               fortune.

Consequently,               the               family               faced               another               crisis--who               would               Jacob               name               as               the               firstborn?

Three               sons               qualified:               Dan,               Bilhah's               firstborn;               Gad,               Zilpah's               firstborn,               and               Joseph's               Rachel's               firstborn.

Now,               notice               what               Gen.

37:1-4               says:               "Joseph,               a               young               man               of               seventeen,               was               tending               his               flocks               with               his               brothers,               the               sons               of               Bilhah               and               the               sons               of               Zilpah,               his               father's               wives,               and               he               brought               their               father               a               bad               report               about               them.

Now               Israel               loved               Joseph               more               than               any               of               his               other               sons,               because               he               had               been               born               to               him               in               his               old               age,               and               he               made               a               richly               ornamented               robe               for               him.

When               his               brothers               saw               that               their               father               loved               him               more               than               any               of               them,               they               hated               him,               and               could               not               speak               a               kind               word               to               him."
               Joseph,               himself,               exacerbated               the               situation               when               he               began               sharing               his               dreams               with               his               family..

The               Bible               says               they               hated               him               all               the               more.

They               began               plotting               to               kill               Joseph,               but               Reuben               talked               them               out               of               that.

Instead               they               sold               their               younger               brother               to               some               slave               traders               headed               to               Egypt.
               There               Joseph               was,               17-years-old,               and               enslaved               in               a               strange               land.

That               happened               to               some               of               you               when               you               found               yourslef               in               the               "land"               of               drugs               and               alcohol               abuse               and               violence.

It               was               a               strange               land               and               before               you               realized               it               you               were               enslaved,               aka               addicted.
               But               now               we               come               to               an               extremely               powerful               concept,               one               that               dictated               Joseph's               perspective               and               governed               all               that               he               saw,               said               and               did.


39:2               "The               Lord               was               with               Joseph               and               he               prospered,               and               he               lived               in               the               house               of               his               Egyptian               master.

When               his               master               saw               that               the               Lord               was               with               him               and               that               the               Lord               gave               him               success               in               everything               he               did,               Joseph               found               favor               in               his               eyes               and               became               his               attendant.

Potiphar               put               him               in               charge               of               his               household,               and               he               entrusted               to               his               care               everything               he               owned.

From               the               time               he               put               him               in               charge               of               his               household               and               of               all               that               he               owned,               the               Lord               blessed               the               household               of               the               Egyptian               because               of               Joseph.

The               blessing               of               the               Lord               was               on               everything               Potiphar               had,               both               in               the               house               and               in               the               field.

So               he               left               in               Joseph's               care               everything               he               had.

With               Joseph               in               charge,               he               did               not               concern               himself               with               anything               except               the               food               he               ate."
               So               being               enslaved,               aka               addicted               is               not               an               insurmontable               challenge               when               God               is               with               you.

We               will               get               to               how               to               take               advantage               of               this               blessing               later,               but               now               consider               that               almost               without               warning,               Joseph's               life               appeared               to               go               from               bad               to               worse.

You               will               also               see               however,               that               often               in               the               beginning               God's               greatest               blessings               often               look               like               the               worse               adversities               posssible.
               Potiphar's               wife               wanted               Joseph               to               sleep               with               her,               and               when               the               young               man               refused,               she               accused               him               of               attempted               rape.

Potiphar               imprisoned               Joseph.

Notice,               though,               what               God               did               for               Joseph               while               he               was               in               prison.


39:20-23               "Joseph's               master               took               him               and               put               him               in               prison,               the               place               where               the               king's               prisoners               were               confined.

But               while               Joseph               was               there               in               prison,               the               Lord               was               with               him;               He               showed               him               kindness               and               granted               him               favor               in               the               eyes               of               the               prison               warden.

So               the               warden               put               Joseph               in               charge               of               all               those               held               in               the               prision,               and               he               was               made               responsible               for               all               that               was               done               there.

The               warden               paid               no               attention               to               anything               under               Joseph's               care,               because               the               Lord               was               with               Joseph               and               gave               him               success               in               whatever               he               did."
               Continue               in               chapter               40:               "Sometime               later,               the               cupbearer               and               the               baker               of               the               king               of               Egypt               offended               their               master,               the               king               of               Egypt.

Pharaoh               was               angry               with               his               two               officials,               the               chief               cupbearer               and               the               chief               baker,               and               put               them               in               custody               in               the               house               of               he               captain               of               the               guard,               in               the               same               prison               where               Joseph               was               confined.

The               captain               of               the               guard               assigned               them               to               Joseph,               and               he               attended               them.
               You               probably               know               the               story!

The               two               men               had               dreams.

Joseph               interpreted               them               and               it               turned               out               that               the               cupbearer               was               going               to               be               re-instated               and               the               baker               was               going               to               be               executed.

Events               occurred               just               as               God               showed               Joseph               they               would.

About               two               years               later,               Joseph               gets               a               call               that               Pharaoh               wanted               to               see               the               prisoner.

41:14               "So               Pharaoh               sent               for               for               Joseph               and               he               was               quickly               brought               from               the               dungeon.

When               he               had               shaved               and               changed               his               clothes,               he               came               before               Pharaoh.

Pharaoh               said               to               Joseph:               'I               had               a               dream               and               no               one               can               interpret               it.

But               I               heard               it               said               of               you               that               when               you               hear               a               dream               you               can               interpret               it.'               'I               cannot,'               Joseph               replied               to               Pharaoh,               'but               God               will               give               Pharaoh               the               answer               he               desires.'"
               Pharaoh               told               Joseph               the               two               dreams,               and               God               revealed               the               answer.

Egypt               was               going               to               have               seven               consecutive               years               of               prosperity,               followed               immediately               by               seven               consecutive               years               of               economic               depression,               to               put               the               issue               in               modern               terminology.

Verses               30-32               of               this               41st               chapter               says:               "               .



but               seven               years               of               famine               will               follow               them.

Then               all               the               abundance               in               Egypt               will               be               forgotten,               and               the               famine               will               ravage               the               land.

The               abundance               of               the               land               will               not               be               remembered               because               the               famine               that               follows               will               be               so               severe.

The               reason               the               dream               was               given               to               Pharaoh               in               two               forms               is               that               the               matter               has               been               firmly               decided               by               God,               and               God               will               do               it               soon."
               Now               we               come               to               the               big               bounce               back!
               In               his               1937               book--Think               and               Grow               Rich--Napoleon               Hill               wrote               the               following:               "One               sound               idea               is               all               that               one               needs               to               achieve               success               .



Success               comes               to               those               who               become               success               conscioius.

Failure               comes               to               those               who               indifferently               allow               themselves               to               become               failure               conscious               .



We               refuse               to               believe               that               which               we               do               not               understand."
               In               a               modern-day               classic,               multi-billionaire               Donald               Trump               and               multi-millionaire               Robert               Kiyosaki               wrote               in               the               book--Why               We               Want               You               to               be               Rich--All               people               essentially               exist               in               one               of               three               categories:               'the               cannots'               who               are               thoroughly               familiar               with               why               they               cannot               succeed.

The               'won'ts'               who               do               not               believe               anything               and               thereby               also               fail,               and               the               'cans'               who               accomplish               success               repeatedly.
               In               his               run-away               best               seller--The               7               Habits               of               Highly               Effective               People--Stephen               Covey               listed               the               seven               habits               as:

Be               proactive,               instead               of               reactive

Begin               with               the               end               in               mind,               or,               in               other               words,               adopt               a               long               term               vision               for               your               life.

Do               first               things               first.

That's               another               way               of               saying,               put               the               hard               jobs               at               the               top               of               your               priority               list.

Think               win/win,               instead               of               win/lose,               or               worse,               lose/win.

Seek               to               understand               before               trying               to               be               understood.

Practice               synergy,               or,               in               other               words,               become               an               effective               and               efficient               team               builder               who               works               with               others               to               achieve               mutual               success.

Sharpen               the               saw,               another               way               of               saying               improve               your               overall               knowledge,               and               especially               your               financial               information.
               In               this               biblical               scenario,               it's               clear               that               Joseph               was               an               "I               can"               person!

Joseph               also               practiced               the               seven               habits               of               highly               effective               individuals.

Joseph               also               believed               that               all               he               needed               for               success               was               one               sound               idea.

After               interpreting               Pharaoh's               dream,               Joseph               shared               his               sound               idea:

41:33-36               "And               now               let               Pharaoh               look               for               a               discerning               and               wise               man               and               put               him               in               charge               of               the               land               of               Egypt.

Let               Pharaoh               appoint               commissioners               over               the               land               to               take               a               fifth               of               the               harvest               of               Egypt               during               the               seven               years               of               abundance.

They               should               collect               all               the               food               of               these               good               years               that               are               coming               and               store               up               the               grain               under               the               authority               of               Pharaoh               to               be               kept               in               the               cities               for               food.

This               food               should               be               held               in               reserve               for               the               country               to               be               used               during               the               seven               years               of               famine               that               will               come               upon               Egypt,               so               that               the               country               may               not               be               ruined               by               the               famine.'"
               Pharaoh               agreed               with               Joseph's               idea               and               appointed               this               foreigner,               a               former               slave               and               a               prison               inmate,               to               be               a               sort               of               Vice-Pharaoh,               in               charge               of               agricultural               development.

Everyone               in               Egypt,               including               Joseph's               former               master,               Potiphar,               now               answered               to               this               son               of               Jacob               who               believed               and               trusted               God               more               than               he               focused               on               his               background               or               his               dilemma.

So               let's               summarize               the               principles               that               guaranteed               Joseph               success               because               those               same               principles               guarantee               that               you               can               stay               out               of               prison               and               become               succesful.

God               was               with               Joseph!

God               gave               Joseph               favor!

God               caused               others               to               give               Joseph               favor!

God               gave               Joseph               a               unique               ability               to               serve               others!

God               empowered               Joseph               to               be               effective               and               efficient!

God               empowered               Joseph               to               be               a               bold               servant,               unafraid               to               share               potentially               outstanding               ideas!

God               put               Joseph               in               the               right               place,               with               the               right               idea,               at               the               right               time!
               Now,               let's               consider               Joseph's               role               and               responsibilities               in               this               scenario               because               you               have               the               same               ones!

You               must               believe               and               trust               God,               despite               the               circumstances               of               your               background               and               heritage!

You               must               believe               and               trust               God,               rather               than               blame               people!

You               must               believe               and               trust               God               to               take               care               of               you,               even               in               your               worst               conditins!

You               must               refuse               to               allow               lust               to               overrule               your               belief               and               trust               in               God!

You               must               not               allow               mistreatment               to               diminish               your               belief               in               and               trust               of               God!

You               must               not               take               personal               credit               for               abilties,               talents               and               gifts               God               provides!

You               must               listen               for               and               to               God's               ideas,               and               when               they               come,               express               them               in               the               right               place               at               the               right               time!
               So               in               summary,               what               does               all               this               mean               to               you?

You               have               21               principles,               laws,               if               you               will,               that               guarantee               that               you               do               not               have               to               return               to               prison.

But               not               only               can               you               stay               out               of               prison,               you               can               also               become               successful!

Here               are               all               the               21               principles:

Do               not               forget               God's               teachings!

Trust               the               Lord,               not               your               own               undestanding!

Trust               God's               wisdom               and               shun               evil!

Honor               God               with               your               blessings               and               receive               additional               blessings!

Accept               and               embrace               God's               discipline               because               with               it,               He               demonstrates               His               love               for               you!

Find               wisdom               and               understanding,               the               twin               powers               God               uses               to               perform               all               that               He               does!

Hold               to               sound               judgment               and               discernment!

Believe               and               trust               God,               despite               the               circumstances               of               your               background               and               heritage!

Believe               and               trust               God,               rather               than               blame               people!

Believe               and               trust               God               to               take               care               of               you,               even               in               your               worst               conditions!

Refuse               to               allow               lust               to               overrule               your               belief               and               trust               in               God!

Do               not               allow               mistreatment               to               diminish               your               belief               in               and               trust               of               God!

Do               not               take               personal               credit               for               abilties,               talents               and               gifts               God               provides!

Listen               for               and               to               God's               ideas,               and               when               they               come,               express               them               in               the               right               place               at               the               right               time!
               You               can               launch               this               process               today,               even               before               your               release               from               prison,               by               inculcating               the               final               seven               principles               into               your               life               now!

Renounce               your               criminal               thinking               and               your               criminal               cohorts!

Accept               complete               responsibility               for               your               current               conditions               and               circumstances!

Accept               the               power               of               the               sacrifice               of               Jesus,               the               Christ!

Turn               to               Christ               in               faith,               so               you               can               .



Break               the               crime               habit!

Ean               an               ever-free               life!

Achieve               your               crfme               and               prison               background               into               insignificance!
               There               you               have               it,               the               21               powerful,               irrefutable               priciples               I               have               used               for               the               past               40               years               to               stay               out               of               prison               and               to               become               successful               as               a               professional               writer,               a               college               professor               and               now               a               home               based               business               owner.

I               commend               them               to               you!
               See               you               at               the               top!

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bethel bible college

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